Saturday, January 3, 2009


You know how there are some traditions that should just be buried and forgotten - like hosting New Year's Eve parties with 30 children running amok and wreaking havoc on (read - destroying) your house? Yes - that is one tradition that will NEVER repeat itself.

On the other hand - there are also some traditions that are so fantastic that they need repeating! Last year, a dear friend and I decided that we need to kick off the New Year in a way that both, brings us immense happiness and is a little calmer than the festivities of the night before! So, for two year's running now, on New Year's Day, we meet at Barnes & Noble (the second happiest place on Earth), stroll the aisles, check out the clearance racks, drink coffee and just be. I can think of no better way to start the New Year!

With a day of relaxation as my starting point - I am ready to dive into all that this next year has in store! I look forward to sharing it with all of you - my three faithful readers!!!


Kim said...

I like that tradition! Good idea. Maybe I will see you there next year! Have a blessed 2009!

Melissa said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that tradition! I say start the year as you plan to continue!

Kimi Jo said...

I will meet you at B & N any day of the year! Happy New Year!!!

Chris and Tasha said...

Thats funny my chick and I did the same thing on new years day.