Sunday, January 18, 2009

Additional Advanced Degree

In a previous blog, I mentioned (bragged about) my Advanced Degree in Puke Removal from Carpets. What I failed to mention was the fact that I also hold the coveted certificate in Dog Poop Removal from Carpets. I have numerous hours of expertise in this activity - some of those hours actually occurring today at our grandparents' house across the street.

If my services are ever in need, please do not hesitate to call (1-800-poop-scrubber). I will offer all of my knowledge and wisdom free of charge.

***Note to reader - Shrimp pasta and the digestive system of a canine are not, I repeat, NOT compatible!


Kim said...

That last sentence made the whole post worthwhile!

Denise K. said...

Hmmmm...the poop removal certificate in your training sounds quite here's one to really test your you have a tip for getting dog pee out of carpet? Case in point...small Chihuahua that has found a corner unbeknownst to us, and writer's husband is VERY angry...any tips "Nini's World" can share would be MUCH appreciated! :-)

Denise K. said...

P.S. Thank you so much for your encouragement the past few truly means so much to me and I just wanted to thank you personally, but couldn't find your e-mail address! :-/ Oops! The "M" girls are the best, and I love each and every one of you!!!!