Sunday, December 28, 2008

Lions, Tigers & Bears - No Really!!!




As many of you know, a few years ago, I developed something that I call Adult Onset Bear Phobia. These beasts have haunted me in my dreams (apparently in my dreams, I am still no match for them as I have awoken several times just BEFORE they bite my head off) and the thought of them has sent me racing down mountains (ok, bunny slopes) on VERY unsteady skis - yes, I know it was winter and they were hibernating, but still. While I am unsure if this is a permanent condition or a temporary one - they say that facing your fears is the first step in recovery.

With a family trip to the San Francisco Zoo planned - it seemed like the perfect opportunity to face said fears. After checking out a bunch of very cool animals - we headed over to the Grizzly Bear enclosure to watch their feeding. Before releasing the bears, the zoo keeper (instead of providing real entertainment and sacrificing herself) spread a bunch of veggies out and then released some live fish into the pool that was visible through the plexiglass. We had front row seats. These giant masses of head-ripping-off-power strolled in, walked right past the veggies and made their way into the pool. The fish didn't have a chance. One of the bears jumped in the water - RIGHT IN FRONT OF US - grabbed the fish and bit it in half. After viewing this, I can honestly say that my fear of bears is justified! For your viewing pleasure - here are some pictures of the bears, along with a bunch of other super cool animals!

Tanner and the Rhino

Madison and the Parrot

My son, oh, I mean a Giant Silverbacked Gorilla!

The Object of My Affection - NOT!

Two Guys and a Girl
Two Blond Headed Beauties

One Very Cool Polar Bear

3 Monkeys and a Giraffe!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Me, My Paintbrush & Bon Jovi

I know that I have briefly (read - repeatedly) mentioned the impromptu painting project that is now 9 days old. In 9 days, we have completed 4 rooms along with one very long hallway. Who knew what a difference color on a wall could make??? Well, apparently most people - my hubby and I are just a little slow in this area! Alas, we are finally in the know! So, with paintbrush in hand, Bon Jovi blasting on the CD player and my rattiest clothes adorning my body - I set to work!

And so it begins! Me - working on the kitchen

Oh - there I am on my ladder

Yep - me again on said ladder

Yep - me again, doing some more ladder work

Uh - the headless painter

Yes - that is a 7-8 ft. Christmas tree BELOW me!

One of the final products!

With all of my experience on the ladder, I am considering a consulting position with the local fire department!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Few Holiday Celebrations!

In between painting, very little sleep and more painting - we were able to squeeze in a few moments to celebrate the holidays! On Thursday, Markie and I along with the rest of his class (5 8-year old boys with me in my car - potty talk x 5) headed over to a care home to sing Christmas carols to the elderly residents. After warming up my voice and doing some stretches, I was more than ready to bust out some songs! As I told Markie of my plans to sing loud and proud, the look of horror on my son's face that morning was priceless. Because I thought saving him from years of therapy was probably a good parental move, I stayed quiet during their performance - except to keep my young charges in line. A good time was had by all - especially the sweet ladies who lived there!

Markie is way in the back!

Markie giving a gift to one of the residents! (Notice Jack looking into the camera!)

Me and my boy!

Last night (after painting all day - did I mention that we are in the midst of painting the inside of our house??? - 5 days before Christmas!!!) we headed out to celebrate Christmas with Knowles Trucking! Besides the incredible food that we gorged ourselves on and fun time spent with friends, the kids enjoyed a visit and Christmas gift from Santa. Here are the pictures for you to enjoy!

Santa and the 2 goofballs

Madison - way too excited to be sitting on Santa's lap!

Markie getting the goods!

The hubby and me - our annual photo together!
Alright - enough dillydallying - time to get pack to painting!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Where Exactly Did Last Week Go?

After being released from the clutches of those very frightful terrorists, I found myself right smack dab in the middle of what I call "holiday insanity." Pair this with a few impromptu home improvement projects and well, welcome to my world! In a nutshell, here's a brief glimpse into this past week:

  • Another fever (Tanner)

  • Christmas programs

  • Birthday parties (5 different kids)

  • Basketball practice/games

  • Baking, baking and more baking

  • Multiple Christmas Parties

  • Making stockings

  • Jimmy Buffet cover band concert

  • Book Sales

  • Repainting (on a whim) family room, kitchen, hallway, entryway

  • Cookie exchange - making prize winning cookies!

  • Eating mounds of said prize winning cookies

  • Shopping, shopping, shopping!

Whew! I'll stop there! You get the picture! I wouldn't be surprised if this list looks just like yours! It is the nature of the season! Here's a picture of my Rudolph cookies that won "The Most Unique" cookie award. Enjoy!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Help!!! Being Held Hostage...

Sometimes when you can't imagine things getting any worse - the unthinkable happens! Just when we finally bid a fond farewell to the flu bug that had taken an unwelcome residence in our home and the cure to our cabin fever was in sight - we were taken hostage by a frightful band of rebels.

Their ring leader, Tanner Abdul Ju Bar Stephanovich, (this photo taken with a hidden camera) has proven to be quite ruthless. His skills with a wide variety of weaponry (especially swords and light sabers) have left us fearing for our lives. It is with this message that I urge any readers to please send help. We don't know how much time we have left...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Advanced Degree...

While this isn't a fact that I often share (I am not usually one to brag) but I just felt the need to put this out there in case there is anyone who may need some advice, encouragement or helpful hints in this area. I hold the coveted Advanced Degree (A.D.) in Puke Removal from Carpets (PRfC). Now, I am aware that being a specialist in this is quite rare and highly unusual but I truly am a professional puke remover. I have had countless hours of experience - including several within the last 24 hours - a requirement to maintain my status. With this in mind, please know that I offer this expertise to you free of charge. If you find yourself in a situation that may need my assistance, please do not hesitate to call.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

When I Hear That Trumpet Sound...

Oh, when I hear that trumpet sound
Oh, Lord I want to be in that number
When I hear that trumpet sound!!!
Well, the trumpets weren't exactly sounding, but our beautiful angel was at the ready! With Prancer and Pedro (our resident Christmas deer) nearby, the trio was a sight to behold in front of the red and orange sunset. (This picture doesn't quite do it justice!) With this set of three in place, we have officially begun decorating for Christmas! I look forward to using all of my displaying skills (all 2 of them) to make my house into something magical. I will do my best to refrain from mixing Pirates of the Caribbean figurines in with the glass gingerbread house, carousel and rocking horse that we have acquired over the years, but there are no guarantees! The red bow clad Kraken was an excellent addition to the back of the rocking horse and made an excellent centerpiece last year. You just never know what I am going to come up with!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Gabriella!!!

Today my sweet niece/Goddaughter turns one! Gabriella has blessed our family since before she was born (when we thought she was a he) and continues to do so! We are so thankful that God chose our family to love her and take care of her. She is one very special girl and we are truly lucky to be a part of her life!

Tree-hugging with her favorite Uncle!
Clearly not a vegetarian!

True Love!

3 Little Ladies - Elena, Gabriella and Madison


Happy 1st Birthday Angel Girl! We love you so much!