Monday, August 25, 2008

Did you hear it???

At 8:35 this morning, the collective sigh of relief that vibrated through the city was just shy of deafening - or maybe that was just me! It was a moment filled with a combination of pure joy and a renewed hope that at some point the level of sanity which I possessed at the beginning of summer would some how, some way be restored. Christmas came early this year in the form of the first day of school!

Armed with sack lunches, backpacks and all the gear needed to make for a successful first day of school, Madison, Mark and Tanner were ready as ever! Madison, the resident 5th grader, was more than ready to dive into all that 5th grade has to offer! Mark, 2nd grader extraordinaire, launched himself right into the swing of things and Tanner, kindergarten's rock star, braved his way through all of his uncertainties and cruised right into his class. What a blessing and a relief for me!

So, on this 100 degree August day, I wish each of you a Merry Christmas because sometimes when you least expect it, Christmas just might come a little early!


susie said...

Yeah for everyone!!! I always had such mixed emotions when school went back into session when my kids were little! I love summer but it is nice to have a little more structure too!!! I am so glad that it went well for the fam!!!

Kim said...

Love the post and great pics. The summer did fly by, didn't it? Hope this is a terrific school year for all the kiddie-poos!

Melissa said...

I love the look on Mark's face! Kind of the "go away Mom" thing Drew was giving me!

Kimi Jo said...

I hope that you don't mind me stopping by...Your kids are so beautiful & are growing so fast. I enjoyed looking at your pictures & seeing my old friends. I miss everyone so much! I hope this is a great year for all of them! Did you enjoy the picture CD?

Kimi Jo said...

OK! I am new to this & have a few questions...will you send me your email so I can ask you a few things, please!!!!