Saturday, August 16, 2008

Buddah Belly, BBQ & A Little Reality Check

It was an evening of fun, food and a little dream crushing! There was lots of swimming, even more eating and the sad realization that my new dream of becoming an Olympic swimmer will remain only that - a dream. Even though I possess a wicked push off the wall, it is the actual swimming part where I am sorely lacking. Apparently the Olympic committee is a little behind and has yet to acknowledge the dog paddle as a competitive stroke. If and when they do, I will certainly give Michael Phelps a run for his money!
The night was not a loss however as a true champion emerged right before our eyes. And while this has yet to be considered an Olympic event, it is a competition in which this individual will certainly excel. As far as Hot Dog Eating Competitions go, Collin Tucker is a ringer. The skill and speed he possessed last night was proof that he is the future of the sport of Hot Dog Eating. I stand in awe of this future champion.


Melissa said...

Love it! Maybe if you start getting in the pool more than twice a year you could have that Olympic dream? :]

CT slept like rock for almost twelve hours last night...think it was the full belly?

Kim said...

Who knows, maybe Collin is starting with the power eating and working his way up to the swimming part. You probably saw on the olympics how much that dude eats! Crazy!!
Sounds like your evening was restful and fun.