Last night I was invited to attend a Cancer Ball. This function is an awesome fundraiser for cancer research. The walls were lined with silent auction items and a live auction that brought in at least $100,000 followed dinner. The cause being supported last night was something that I whole-
heartedly believe in given that no one is immune to the effect of cancer. Unfortunately, everyone has been impacted by this disease by either dealing with it personally or because of a loved one having to battle through it. I am all for raising money for this cause.
That being said, I couldn't help but be a little distracted last night. In a room full of tuxedos and ball gowns, I don't think I have ever seen so many boobs before in my life. Old boobs. New boobs. Larger than life boobs. 60 year
olds with boobs coming out of their neck. It was boob-fest 2010! I felt so overdressed! I am not quite sure what some women are thinking when they visit their plastic surgeons. Does everyone really need to look like a porn star? And do these women not own mirrors? I just don't get it.
I have no problem with plastic surgery, if anything, I am a little jealous. But really, there is such a thing as proportion. Double D boobs on a 95 pound woman is not really the best look. If your boobs enter a room 1 minute before the rest of you, I would say there is a slight problem. Can you see why I was distracted last night? Boobs everywhere!
I am thinking about submitting a request to rename the event. Boob Ball to Benefit Cancer Research or
Boobie Time, Cancer Research Benefit or what about Boobs-R-Us Cancer Research Fundraiser. The possibilities are endless...