Number of practice swings: 836,492 Number of balls hit on driving range: 420,687 Holes played to prepare for tournament: 900 Number of Championship trophies for the Sam Baskins Memorial Golf Tournament: 2
Number of incredibly proud parents: 2
Congratulations!!! Love you and am incredibly proud!!! Grammie June
Where do I begin? I'm a Mom of 3 super awesome kiddipoos - even though they sometimes drive me a little crazy! I am also the wife of a man who I still think is way HOT even after being married 13 years. I am a sister to 3 beautiful and also very HOT women and a brother who is an expert on polar bears. Lastly, I am a friend to some truly fascinating women.
Congratulations!!! Love you and am incredibly proud!!! Grammie June
You are going to need a special room just for all those trophies! Way to Go Madison and Markie!
Right now we have them on opposite ends of our mantle. They look like GIANT bookends!
That is so cool! WOW! Great job Madison and Mark!
Very exciting, but now Madison and Markie both have to give Grandpa 2 extra strokes a hole!
I'm very proud of you both.
Loads of Love,
Grandpa Mark
CONGRATULATIONS MARK & MADISON!!!!! We heard your names on the news & gave you all a few whoot whoots from our house!!!!!! Way to go!
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