Thursday, April 2, 2009

Oh Canada...

The boys got their hair cut today - so handsome! These military cuts are as close as these two boys will ever be to anything military related!


Melissa said...

I was just having a little brainwashing...oops I mean 'talk' with my boy about staying out of the military, how great a college education is, and how although truck driving is a noble profession he should get an education. After this whole talk he repeated 'truck, truck, truck, daddy, truck' about 70 times. Thought I should start young with him! Btw those are some HANDSOME boys!

Chris and Tasha said...


nini said...

No offense to my Army Captain brother who I love dearly. I just don't want my boys pursuing the same career path!

Chris and Tasha said...

I have not been shot at in years.

nini said...

I can't tell you how much better I feel now. I just might march my boys down to the local recruitment center today. No time like the present! NOT!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Such handsome young men!!! I think I saw them roaming around Disneyland not too long ago...

Anonymous (a.k.a. Grammie June)