Monday, September 29, 2008

Hot Blooded...

Check it and see - Got a fever of a 103... Well, almost 103 anyways. 102.4 to be exact! Markie has been on a feverish roller coaster all day and it looks like it might be the trend well into the night. Bummer for me!

On a much cooler and WAY more exciting note, my sweet niece Elena turned 8 today! Happy Birthday Little E!

We all love you like crazy angel girl and can't wait to see you in a month and a half!


Kim said...

Poor Markie. I hope the fever breaks and that no one else in the fam gets it. Can you say Quarrantine?

Hang in there mom!

Melissa said...

I hope you are able to get some sleep tonight. Let me know if there is anything I can do.

Happy birthday Elena, number 8 is a big one!

Kimi Jo said...

Thinking about you Sister Friend! Ive got the teething princess here! A molar has finally broken through! YEAH! Only like 3 more to go! Can you say cranky? & I am just talking about me!

I say when all is well we get a morning off for coffee & sanity!

Give Markie a huge hug!